MX-7GPS Li Lithium Shuttle Combo Logo dark grey


MX-7GPS Li Lithium Shuttle Combo Logo dark grey
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CHanging The Game
in Ice Fishing ELECTRONICs

Industry Leading Sonar Technology
Cutting Edge Camera Technology
Industry Leading Sonar Technology
Cutting Edge Camera Technology
Industry Leading Sonar Technology
Cutting Edge Camera Technology
MX-7GPS Li Lithium Shuttle Combo Logo dark grey
Now introducing the leader in sonar and mapping technology, MarCum Technologies brings you the MX-7GPS. As a Lithium-powered sonar/GPS combination unit, we’ve taken GPS mapping and fused it to MarCum’s legendary sonar platform.
Dual Beam Precision Digital Sonar Engine
12V10amp/h Lithium LifePO4 Battery
Patented Interference Rejection
Internal GPS Receiver
Navionics® Basemap Onboard
SonarChart Live
Navionics®+ USA and Canada Card Slot
True-Time 7” LCD Display
MX-7GPS Head cropped
MX-7GPS Head center
MX-7GPS Li Lithium Shuttle Combo Logo dark grey
Now introducing the leader in sonar and mapping technology, MarCum Technologies brings you the MX-7GPS. As a Lithium-powered sonar/GPS combination unit, we’ve taken GPS mapping and fused it to MarCum’s legendary sonar platform.
Dual Beam Precision Digital Sonar Engine
12V10amp/h Lithium LifePO4 Battery
Patented Interference Rejection
Internal GPS Receiver
Navionics® Basemap Onboard
SonarChart Live
Navionics®+ USA and Canada Card Slot
True-Time 7” LCD Display
MX-7GPS Head center
MX-7GPS Li Lithium Shuttle Combo Logo dark grey
Now introducing the leader in sonar and mapping technology, MarCum Technologies brings you the MX-7GPS. As a Lithium-powered sonar/GPS combination unit, we’ve taken GPS mapping and fused it to MarCum’s legendary sonar platform.
Dual Beam Precision Digital Sonar Engine
12V10amp/h Lithium LifePO4 Battery
Patented Interference Rejection
Internal GPS Receiver
Navionics® Basemap Onboard
SonarChart Live
Navionics®+ USA and Canada Card Slot
True-Time 7” LCD Display
Pursuit HD Hero Desktop
Pursuit HD logo dark grey thin
Marcum’s Pursuit Camera sets the new standard in mobility, while adhering to technological innovations our cameras have always led with. A FULL HD Image Sensor (1920X1080p) offers industry-leading display precision, packing a punch in a pocket-sized 5” LCD display.
Full HD Image Sensor (1920X1080p)
Integrated Camera Cord Reel
On Screen Display (OSD)
Built-In DVR with MP4 Recording Capability
NEW Camera Head Design
Long-Life Lithium Battery
HD Video-out
Pursuit HD Hero Desktop
Pursuit HD logo dark grey thin
Marcum’s Pursuit Camera sets the new standard in mobility, while adhering to technological innovations our cameras have always led with. A FULL HD Image Sensor (1920X1080p) offers industry-leading display precision, packing a punch in a pocket-sized 5” LCD display.
Full HD Image Sensor (1920X1080p)
Integrated Camera Cord Reel
On Screen Display (OSD)
Built-In DVR with MP4 Recording Capability
NEW Camera Head Design
Long-Life Lithium Battery
HD Video-out
Pursuit HD Hero Desktop
Pursuit HD logo dark grey thin
Marcum’s Pursuit Camera sets the new standard in mobility, while adhering to technological innovations our cameras have always led with. A FULL HD Image Sensor (1920X1080p) offers industry-leading display precision, packing a punch in a pocket-sized 5” LCD display.
Full HD Image Sensor (1920X1080p)
Integrated Camera Cord Reel
On Screen Display (OSD)
Built-In DVR with MP4 Recording
NEW Camera Head Design
Long-Life Lithium Battery
HD Video-out
No other sport has adopted alternative energy as fast as ice fishing. The performance and value equation very quickly benefits the angler. Modern sonar and its expanded feature sets require increased power for effective use over lengthier run-times. Reduction in weight along with increased run times and faster recharge rates means you’ll spend more time fishing and less time re-powering. The real advantage is lifespan and the lower cost of ownership. Our most powerful and precise True Time® sonar engine now comes with the lightest, longest-lasting, and the fastest charging power source available today.
No other sport has adopted alternative energy as fast as ice fishing. The performance and value equation very quickly benefits the angler. Modern sonar and its expanded feature sets require increased power for effective use over lengthier run-times. Reduction in weight along with increased run times and faster recharge rates means you’ll spend more time fishing and less time re-powering. The real advantage is lifespan and the lower cost of ownership. Our most powerful and precise True Time® sonar engine now comes with the lightest, longest-lasting, and the fastest charging power source available today.

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Warmer water transitioning walleyes

06 Jun: Walleye Warm Water Temperature Transitions

Water temperatures that build into the high 60 and 70 degree marks will definitely get fish moving, and that usually coincides with a few hatches.
Bugs crawling out of the deep mud get rafted against the main-lake structure, and signify some of the initial pushes to offshore humps, bars, and reefs. It’s often when casual walleye anglers, or those who see early mixed bags of walleyes with crappies and gills, stop catching them.

Anglers don’t always follow, sometimes because they’re not required to. This is a dynamic time of year as the summer food chain ramps up production. That means anglers don’t always have to look deep to find fish, and several patterns can be going at the same time.

Pre and Post Spawn Panfish Patterns

30 May: Pre and Post Spawn Panfish Patterns

If you’re a crappie angler, one of the best bites of the year has come and gone with the early spring crappie bite. For bluegill fans, the best is yet to come, as we move from a shallow water period for one species into another.

There’s no doubt that the spawning season for crappies and bluegills offer some great opportunities for skinny water panfishing, and even sight fishing, which makes fishing feel like it did when you were a kid.

Bobbers and small jigs are plopped into any good looking developing weeds or brushy areas, only to drop with an aggression not seen since the previous year’s fishing It’s hard not to be excited about it.

How do I choose the right fishing Rod?

23 May: How do I choose the right fishing rod?

Picture yourself in your favorite sporting goods store taking a stroll through the fishing department. The options for tackle, rods, reels are expansive to say the least. A seemingly never-ending list of brands, types, and configurations call this area home.

When it comes to rods, the options are plentiful. Most major retailers will have a variety of lengths, powers, and actions to cover a range of techniques and target species. Choosing the right for the right situation is a task in itself; but it doesn’t need to be as hard as one thinks.

Consistency pays dividends finding walleyes

16 May: How To Be More Consistent On The Water

Everyone wants to be successful on the water. We all love to post on social media and to talk about the fun we had catching fish and spending time together with friends and family. The old adage says, a bad day fishing is still better than a day of work, but no one really likes having a bad day of fishing.

Once you dive into this worthy hobby you will quickly realize that a bad day is relative. For the beginner it could be not catching a single fish. For the guide it could be not filling out a limit. And for the professional it could be not making a top-ten but catching 40-50 target species fish during the eight hour day.

Minnesota fishing opener prep with an underwater camera

09 May: How should I prepare for the Minnesota Fishing Opener?

It’s amazing how many anglers have an underwater ice fishing camera for winter use, and forget to pack it in the boat for fishing opener. In fact, open-water applications abound when it comes to everything from species identification, to finding green weeds, or simply identifying water clarity traits from one end of the lake to another.

The fact that now your underwater camera for fishing can be so much more mobile is a major benefit to its use, and the fish-finding information you unlock with it is rather limitless. Here’s just a few ways and reasons to get more use from your winter camera, come spring, summer and fall.

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