
Blake Tollefson with LX-7Li and 2 custom rods

20th Anniversary of the Underwater Camera – Blake Tollefson

Electronics are a vital key to success when it comes to hardwater fishing. Sonar units, and underwater cameras alike, both have a specific place in ice fishing. The underwater camera, in particular, has established itself as an important tool. For a number of different reasons, I employ these tools for scouting and fishing on the ice:

Pursuit HD Underwater scene of panfish


The new MarCum Pursuit HD puts 20 years of technology into the palm of your hand, tapping into all of the top trends in underwater viewing. The Pursuit HD simply checks every box. Hand-held and HD attributes are a big direction in cameras now, but so often it comes at the expense of other features. With the MarCum Pursuit HD, expect performance with a rich feature set – expect it all.

Joel Nelson, sonar plus camera

Sonar Plus Camera – Ice’s Dealiest 1 – 2 Punch

It could be the most common question found on internet forums, Facebook groups, and among the freshman class of ice’s newest anglers – “Sonar or camera?” Sounds like a simple question. Multiple choice even. The answer has always been straight-forward too, with most experienced anglers leaning towards a sonar first, then purchasing a camera to eventually fill in the knowledge gaps as needed depending upon their species of interest.

Bluegill with pink jig and Marcum digital system

20th Anniversary of the Underwater Camera – Joel Nelson

“Before underwater cameras, I used to think that certain weed-beds held bass, and others had the panfish I was after.  Careful study and lots of on-ice viewing showed that most often, the best weeds and weedbeds held both, but few panfish roam edges or openings in the presence of predators.  Two-feet can be too far if you’re trying to get a bull gill to come from cover and eat.  Punch a hole right on top of them, where they don’t have to leave the safety of cover, and you can pluck them from where you never thought they existed.”

MarCum Recon 5+ Underwater Camera Recording


Our cameras are known for their incredible image quality and bright display.  However, what many people don’t know is that you can record with nearly all of them. This allows you to analyze underwater fish behavior, create compelling content, and have fun sharing your fishing adventures with friends and family.  On most of the units, recording underwater footage is relatively simple. However, it will require a little bit of extra gear on your part. 

MarCum Charging System

How to Troubleshoot the Battery and Charging System of Your MarCum

When electronic units won’t charge, it can be frustrating for any angler. From batteries to chargers, to the system itself, it can seem confusing to determine what went wrong with your electronics and how to fix it. That’s why we have put together this quick battery troubleshooting guide. We break down each part of the charging system and step you through how to identify the problem and replace the parts if needed.