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news & posts
Can I use a MarCum on my boat? LX-7 Dash Mount

02 May: Can I use a MarCum on my Boat?

It’s this time of year when our ice sonar is swapped for long rods and soft water, but that doesn’t mean your MarCum should be put in the back corner of the garage. All sonar systems, digital or mechanical styles, offer keys and cues that help anglers be more successful on the water

That’s especially true in small crafts like kayaks, canoes, or small skiffs where a larger, permanently mounted traditional LCD display isn’t in play. Here’s just a few ways to trick your craft, whatever it may be, and get the very most from your MarCum.

How to Prepare for the Wisconsin Fishing Opener 2022

25 Apr: How to Prepare for the Wisconsin Fishing Opener 2022

It’s a magical time of year. The ice on the lakes is pretty much absent. The landscapes that were not so long ago covered in snow now show glimpses of life again. Grass is turning greener, plants are blooming, birds are chirping. Spring has sprung.

To many anglers that means one thing – the Wisconsin Fishing Opener is coming. The Wisconsin Fishing Opener is traditionally on the first Saturday in May. This year it falls on

Pursuit HD L Fall mapping for winter fishing

18 Apr: The Best Underwater Fishing Camera for Open Water – 2022

Underwater cameras are undoubtedly one of the greatest technological advancements in the sport of fishing these past few decades. Anglers in recent generations have come to depend on cameras to do far more than help them watch fish eat, but to observe their surroundings, study fish behavior and movements, even learn how fish certain baits better. Not only then has it been a technology that’s useful in its own right, but the simple fact is that underwater viewing has helped push forward the sport of fishing in general. From evolutions in tackle design, reels, and line, to changes in the way we fundamentally fish, looking at the underwater world through a camera is here to stay.

How to find & catch ice-out crappies

11 Apr: How to find & Catch Ice-out Spring Crappies

the lakes will be full of life in many forms once again.  Boating enthusiasts will now start thinking of getting the boat out of storage and planning the maiden voyage of the year.  And anglers eager to fill a live-well know that the crappie are heading for the shallows and it’s time to go fishing.  Early fishing brings the big crappies into the shallows. Find where to go and what to use to make your early crappie fishing trip a success.

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