Tony Roach & Dialed In Angling Take on Devils Lake – A MarCum Moment
HomePosts Tony Roach & Dialed In Angling Take on Devils Lake – A MarCum Moment
Tony Roach & Dialed In Angling Take on Devils Lake – A MarCum Moment
Tony Roach and the team from Dialed In Angling just checked in from the road, and we could hear the excitement in his voice. After facing tough winter conditions the past couple of years, Tony found solid ice on Devils Lake, North Dakota, and the walleyes were hungry and waiting. We at MarCum couldn’t be more excited to watch the show unfold.
Tony ventured out of Woodlands Resort, a well-known ice fishing destination, and discovered 6 inches of ice, a promising sign for the season ahead. But he wasn’t alone! Tony reported seeing license plates from all over the ice belt in the parking lot, a true testament to how eager anglers are for this season’s action. The lodge was buzzing with stories of the day’s catch, as fishermen swapped tales of the fish they landed.
Make sure you tune in for this week’s broadcast to catch all the action, or watch it online! And if you haven’t subscribed yet, now’s the perfect time to do so. You’ll get notified when new shows and tech tips are released as the season heats up.
Get ready to experience the thrill of ice fishing with MarCum and Dialed In Angling – it’s going to be a season to remember!
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If you’re a crappie angler, one of the best bites of the year has come and gone with the early spring crappie bite. For bluegill fans, the best is yet to come, as we move from a shallow water period for one species into another.
There’s no doubt that the spawning season for crappies and bluegills offer some great opportunities for skinny water panfishing, and even sight fishing, which makes fishing feel like it did when you were a kid.
Bobbers and small jigs are plopped into any good looking developing weeds or brushy areas, only to drop with an aggression not seen since the previous year’s fishing It’s hard not to be excited about it.
Press Release – New Hope, MN (9/29/21) – Marcum Technologies, the undisputed leader in ice-fishing-specific sonar and cameras, takes tech to the next level. Their long-held principle is that features are useless unless they help an angler catch fish, and that can be seen throughout decades of innovation. Patented technology like moveable zoom that led to angler’s ability to target fish anywhere in the water column was the first ping heard round the world among the ice sonar community. They followed it up with additional advancements to help distinguish echoes from noise in an interference rejection system so advanced, it’s also patented.
Everyone has personal preferences when it comes to their ice fishing sonar. MarCum has you covered whether you like the proven technology of an ice flasher, or the customization and cutting-edge performance of a digital system.
It’s important to note the differences and strengths between systems, as each category has come a long way in recent history.
Every year, a new set of anglers both young and old learn to use ice fishing sonar or flashers for the first time. That said, I encounter many anglers on the hardwater each year that still have their ice sonar depth finder on default factory settings from when they bought the unit 10 years ago. Whether you’re brand new to the game, or it’s old-hat, here are some answers to age old questions along with new ones to keep it interesting and catch more fish.
The all-new MarCum MX-7GPS pairs GPS and mapping with the most advanced, proven ice sonar of all time. Gone are the days of using open-water sonar simply to get GPS capability; welcome an era of ice-specific sonar/GPS innovated for the rigors and mechanics of our sport.
Marcum Technologies is a company built upon the sport of ice-fishing, bringing forth patented technology and exclusive features unprecedented in ice electronics. Though at MarCum, our mantra is that features for feature’s sake are worthless unless they put more fish on ice. For the last 20 years, MarCum has brought the bulk of fish-catching invention to the ice market, with a long list of patents, sonar-firsts, and innovations immediately copied by the rest of the industry. MarCum units are hand-built, one at a time, from a blank circuit board on up. All of those advancements have happened right here in the heart of the ice belt, meaning all Marcum sonars are American-made. Below is a list of this year’s systems, and what make them each the top-performing sonar in their respective classes.
It’s midwinter. Lakes are locked up with a solid layer of ice. Shanty towns dot the landscape – filled with anglers that are willing to trade long rods for those of a shorter variety. Panfish – crappies in particular – are some of the most targeted species throughout the hard water season. Knowing how to find them and which tools to use will ultimately make for a more successful day on the ice.
Since introducing cutting edge sonar technology to mechanical flashers nearly 20 years ago, MarCum has sought to build the best sonar on-ice, bar-none. Recent advances saw MarCum bringing the first digital sonar to the market, giving anglers a host of ample options when hitting the ice this winter. Read on to gain a better understanding of your options, and ultimately decide which is best for your style of fishing.
It’s this time of year when our ice sonar is swapped for long rods and soft water, but that doesn’t mean your MarCum should be put in the back corner of the garage. All sonar systems, digital or mechanical styles, offer keys and cues that help anglers be more successful on the water
That’s especially true in small crafts like kayaks, canoes, or small skiffs where a larger, permanently mounted traditional LCD display isn’t in play. Here’s just a few ways to trick your craft, whatever it may be, and get the very most from your MarCum.
It could be the most common question found on internet forums, Facebook groups, and among the freshman class of ice’s newest anglers – “Sonar or camera?” Sounds like a simple question. Multiple choice even. The answer has always been straight-forward too, with most experienced anglers leaning towards a sonar first, then purchasing a camera to eventually fill in the knowledge gaps as needed depending upon their species of interest.
the lakes will be full of life in many forms once again. Boating enthusiasts will now start thinking of getting the boat out of storage and planning the maiden voyage of the year. And anglers eager to fill a live-well know that the crappie are heading for the shallows and it’s time to go fishing. Early fishing brings the big crappies into the shallows. Find where to go and what to use to make your early crappie fishing trip a success.
Tony Roach, a man who has seen just about everything that swims on a host of ice-fishing sonar units. “That’s a walleye,” he confidently announced while staring at his MarCum M1. “See it belly-to-bottom, then come up, then drop down. It’s done it about three times in the past 30 seconds.” Eventually, Tony connects, bringing a particularly goldeneye up on a panfish jig of all things. How did he know it was a walleye, when we had landed nothing but gills the prior 10 hours on ice? More importantly, what are the tell-tale signs, species by species, that will help us determine what we’re fishing for, and ultimately what bait to present and how?
If you’ve tried to make a major purchase in 2021, you’ve been affected by the global supply chain slowdown. Materials are backordered, shipping is slow, containers held up; there are seemingly more reasons than ever these days for why you can’t get at what you’re looking to own.
One of the most common questions heard from new ice anglers relates to electronics – “Which is better – an underwater camera or a flasher/sonar?” The short answer is that it really depends.
The long answer is that there are certain situations that each unit type excels in. Depth, water clarity, habitat, and fishing style greatly impact which unit is right for a specific set of circumstances. In a perfect world, an ice angler should have both. This is particularly apparent for anglers that target panfish during the winter months.
27 Dec 2021
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